How to Get the Green Network Bars in Toolbar to Show Up Again for Wifi in Windows 7

WifiInfoView v2.76
Copyright (c) 2012 - 2022 Nir Sofer

See Also

  • WifiHistoryView - Displays history of connections to wireless networks on your computer
  • Wifi Collector - Collect wireless networks information and their location on Android device.
  • NK2Edit - Edit, merge and prepare the AutoComplete files (.NK2) of Microsoft Outlook.


WifiInfoView scans the wireless networks in your area and displays extensive information about them, including: Network Name (SSID), MAC Address, PHY Type (802.11g or 802.11n), RSSI, Signal Quality, Frequency, Aqueduct Number, Maximum Speed, Company Proper noun, Router Model and Router Name (Just for routers that provides this information), and more...
When you select a wireless network in the upper pane of this tool, the lower pane displays the Wi-Fi information elements received from this device, in hexadecimal format.
WifiInfoView also has a summary mode, which displays a summary of all detected wireless networks, grouped by channel number, company that manufactured the router, PHY type, or the maximum speed.

Wifi Access Points Viewer

System Requirements

  • Operating System: This utility works on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows eight, Windows Server 2008, Windows 10, and Windows xi. Both 32-bit and x64 systems are supported.
    Windows XP is not supported considering this tool is based on new Wi-Fi API that doesn't exist on Windows XP. If yous desire to get wireless networks information on Windows XP, you can use the WirelessNetView utility.
  • Wireless network adapter and wireless card commuter that works with the built-in wireless back up of Windows Vista/7/eight/2008. If you don't have a compatible wireless adapter and commuter, "cannot find wireless adapter" fault will be displayed.
  • In order to spotter 5GHz wireless networks, you have to apply a wireless network adapter that supports 5 GHz channels.

Download links are on the lesser of this page

Versions History

  • Version 2.76:
    • Fixed the 'Marking Connected Access Point' choice to override the 'Marker MAC Groups' option.
  • Version two.75:
    • Added 'MAC Group' column, which detects wireless networks with similar MAC address. When you see 2 or more wireless networks with the aforementioned number in this column, information technology means that they are probably generated by the same device.
    • Added 'Mark MAC Groups' (Under the View carte), which allows you to mark wireless networks with different colors according to the 'MAC Group' value.
    • Added 64-bit build.
  • Version 2.72:
    • Updated the internal MAC addresses file.
    • Fixed some loftier DPI manner issues (Condition Bar, 'Cull Columns' Window).
  • Version ii.71:
    • Added 'SSID Encoding' pick - ANSI or UTF-eight. The default encoding is now prepare to UTF-eight. If y'all have SSID with non-English language characters and it'south not displayed properly then y'all should change this pick.
  • Version 2.70:
    • Added selection to change the sorting column from the menu (View -> Sort By). Like the column header click sorting, if you click over again the same sorting menu item, it'll switch betwixt ascending and descending order. Also, if you agree down the shift primal while choosing the sort menu item, y'all'll get a secondary sorting.
  • Version 2.68:
    • Updated to piece of work properly in loftier DPI mode.
  • Version two.67:
    • The properties window is now resizable.
    • The properties window now has multiple pages if there is no plenty space to display all properties in one folio.
  • Version ii.66:
    • You can now use wildcards in the BSSID/SSID filter ('Avant-garde Options' window). For example: MyNet?? , 00-xi-22*
  • Version two.65:
    • Added support for WPA3 detection (Security column).
    • Added support for detecting 802.11ax networks. Be enlightened that the adding of 'Maximum Speed' is still not supported for 802.11ax
  • Version 2.62:
    • Stock-still the /cfg command-line option to load the .cfg file from the electric current directory if total path is not specified.
  • Version 2.61:
    • Updated the internal MAC addresses file.
  • Version 2.lx:
    • Added option to create a shortcut on your desktop that connects to the desired access betoken.
    • At that place are 2 types of shortcut you can create - 'Connect Access Bespeak Past BSSID' and 'Connect Admission Point Past Name'.
  • Version 2.55:
    • Added 'Connect Selected Access Point' pick. This option allows yous to connect your access indicate from the window of WifiInfoView.
    • If yous accept multiple access points with the same name (Wifi Extenders), you tin can choose a specific AP to connect.
    • Added /ConnectAP command-line selection, which allows you to connect to the desired access point , by specifying network name (SSID) and MAC accost (BSSID), for example:
      WifiInfoView.exe /ConnectAP "MyNet" "00-25-9C-14-2C-39"
  • Version 2.50:
    • Added 'Mark Connected Access Point'. When it'south turned on, the continued access bespeak is marked with light-green colour.
  • Version ii.47:
    • Updated the internal MAC addresses file.
  • Version ii.46:
    • Fixed the relieve command-line selection to piece of work according to the selected display way (/DisplayMode command-line option).
  • Version 2.45:
    • Added 'Restart Windows Wireless Service' option (Under the Aid menu)
  • Version 2.42:
    • Fixed bug: When the SSID of the device updated, WifiInfoView dispalyed incorrect SSID cord.
    • Updated the internal MAC addresses file.
  • Version two.41:
    • You tin now ship the data to stdout by specifying empty string as filename, for example:
      WifiInfoView.exe /scomma "" | more
  • Version 2.twoscore:
    • Added option to filter by signal quality (In 'Advanced Options' window).
  • Version 2.34:
    • Fixed outcome: WifiInfoView displayed incorrect aqueduct width for 802.11ac networks.
  • Version 2.33:
    • Added 'Country Code' column (For admission points with 802.11d support).
  • Version 2.32:
    • Added option to save as JSON file.
  • Version two.31:
    • Updated the internal MAC addresses file.
  • Version 2.30:
    • Added 'MAC Addresses Listing' selection (Ctrl+F8), which allows you to create a listing of MAC addresses and their description. The clarification specified in this list volition be displayed under the 'Clarification' cavalcade. The MAC addresses list is saved in 'WifiInfoView_MAC_List.txt' located in the same folder of WifiInfoView.exe
  • Version 2.27:
    • Added description text for all types of information elements (Displayed in the lower pane).
  • Version 2.26:
    • Fixed issues: The filtering in the 'Avant-garde Options' window didn't affect the output of the control-line options ( /scomma, /shtml and others)
    • In 'Advanced Options' window - You can now as well filter past SSID in addition to the BSSID filtering.
    • Added 'Select All' and 'Deselect All' to the 'Column Settings' window.
  • Version 2.25:
    • Added 'Stations Count' column (Available but for APs with 'BSS Load' information): Specifies the number of wifi clients associated with the access indicate.
    • Added 'Channel Utilization' column (Available but for APs with 'BSS Load' information): Specifies the % of time that the aqueduct is busy.
  • Version 2.21:
    • Fixed the lower pane to switch focus when pressing tab key.
  • Version two.20:
    • Added 'Connected' column - Displays 'Aye' if you are connected to this network.
  • Version ii.15:
    • Added '802.eleven Standards' cavalcade, which displays the 802.11 Standards that the access signal supports: 802.11d, 802.11e, 802.11h, 802.11i, 802.11k, 802.11r, and more...
    • The 'PHY Type' now displays multiple phy types (e.grand: 802.11g/n, 802.11n/air-conditioning).
  • Version two.x:
    • Added new option to 'Advanced Options' window: Show only the specified BSSIDs (Comma-delimited list).
  • Version 2.08:
    • The connectedness name is now displayed in the adapters list of 'Advanced Options' window.
  • Version 2.07:
    • Updated the internal MAC addresses file.
  • Version ii.06:
    • Added 'Align Numeric Columns To Right' selection.
  • Version 2.05:
    • Added option to show only networks in the specified channels (In 'Avant-garde Options' window).
  • Version 2.00:
    • Added choice to brandish just networks detected in the last 20 seconds (In 'Advanced Options' window).
    • Added 'Bear witness simply networks with detection count higher than...' choice (In 'Advanced Options' window).
  • Version 1.97:
    • Added 'Relieve All Items'.
  • Version 1.96:
    • Updated the internal MAC addresses file.
  • Version one.95:
    • Added 'Affected Channels' summary mode, which shows the number of networks that bear on every aqueduct, according to the 'Channels Range' column.
  • Version 1.90:
    • Added 'Aqueduct Width' column, in MHz.
    • Added 'Channels Range' cavalcade, which shows the actual range of channels that the wireless network uses (according to the channel width).
  • Version ane.86:
    • Updated the internal MAC addresses file.
  • Version i.85:
    • Added 'Minimum Signal Quality' and 'Maximum Signal Quality' columns to the 'Full Details Way'.
  • Version 1.81:
    • Added 'Put Icon On Tray' selection.
  • Version i.80:
    • Stock-still WifiInfoView to calculate the maximum speed of 802.11ac networks.
  • Version 1.79:
    • WifiInfoView at present displays 'Cannot detect wireless adapter !' bulletin in the bottom status bar when there is no wireless adapter...
  • Version 1.78:
    • The current display manner is now added to the window title.
  • Version i.77:
    • Added 'Side by side Display Mode' (Ctrl+1) and 'Previous Display Style' (Ctrl+2) options to easily switch between modes.
  • Version 1.76:
    • Fixed problems: WifiInfoView failed to remember the last size/position of the master window if it was not located in the main monitor.
    • Updated the internal MAC addresses file.
  • Version 1.75:
    • Added new summary mode - Company-Router Model
  • Version 1.70:
    • Added new control-line options: /DisplayMode , /UseOnlyAdapter , /NetworkAdapter, and more than.
  • Version 1.65:
    • Added 'WPS Summary Style'.
  • Version 1.61:
    • Added secondary sorting support: You tin can at present go a secondary sorting, by holding down the shift key while clicking the column header. Exist enlightened that you just have to hold downwards the shift key when clicking the second/third/fourth column. To sort the offset column you lot should not concur downward the Shift key.
  • Version i.lx:
    • Added 'Per centum' column to the summary fashion.
  • Version 1.56:
    • Fixed the command-line browse (added on version 1.50) to wait until the scan is completed.
    • Added /NumberOfScans control-line choice, which allows you to browse multiple times from command-line, in order to get a better result, for example:
      WifiInfoView.exe /NumberOfScans v /scomma c:\temp\wscan.csv
  • Version ane.55:
    • Added 'Starting time Time' cavalcade, which displays the concluding time that admission point was peradventure started/restarted/rebooted. Exist enlightened that some admission points reset their timestamp periodically without restart/reboot action, and thus for these APs, the fourth dimension value dislayed on this column doesn't represent the right start time.
    • The 'WPS Back up' column now displays the WPS status - Configured, Not Configured, or Locked.
  • Version ane.fifty:
    • Added command-line options to consign the wireless networks list into a file.
  • Version 1.45:
    • The 'Security' column now displays the security mode of the network - WEP, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK, and so on.... (Instead of Yep/No)
    • Added Security Summary Mode.
    • The 'Zip' cavalcade at present displays more authentic information. (Added TKIP+CCMP value)
    • Updated the internal MAC addresses file.
  • Version ane.twoscore:
    • Added 'Copy MAC Addresses' option (Ctrl+1000)
    • Added 'Show Lower Pane' option (Under the View menu). You tin turn information technology off if you don't need the lower pane.
  • Version i.36:
    • WifiInfoView now detects 802.11ac networks (according to the 'VHT Capabilities' and 'VHT Operation' information elements)
  • Version i.35:
    • Added 'Cipher' column.
    • Added 'WPS Back up' cavalcade.
  • Version 1.30:
    • Added 'Average Signal Quality' column.
    • Added 'Advanced Options' window (F9), which allows you to cull the wireless network adapter that will exist used to scan the wireless networks. This option is useful if you have multiple wireless network adapters.
    • Added 'Clear Networks Listing' option.
  • Version 1.26:
    • Added /cfg command-line option, which instructs WifiInfoView to use a config file in another location instead if the default config file, for example:
      WifiInfoView.exe /cfg "%AppData%\WifiInfoView.cfg"
  • Version i.25:
    • Added BSS Blazon Summary Mode.
  • Version ane.twenty:
    • Added 'Automatically Scroll Down On New Item' pick.
  • Version one.eighteen:
    • Added 'BSS Type' column - Infrastructure or Ad-Hoc.
    • Fixed the flickering while scrolling the wireless networks listing.
  • Version ane.17:
    • Added 'Select Another Font' choice, which allows you to choose a font (name and size) to employ on the main window.
  • Version 1.16:
    • Added 'Sort On Every Update' choice.
  • Version 1.15:
    • Updated the internal MAC addresses file.
    • Added 'Marker Odd/Fifty-fifty Rows' selection, nether the View carte. When it's turned on, the odd and even rows are displayed in different color, to make it easier to read a single line.
  • Version 1.x:
    • Added new summary mode: Point Quality.
  • Version 1.05:
    • Added ii new summary modes - Router Name and Router Model.
  • Version 1.00 - Start release.

Offset Using WifiInfoView

WifiInfoView doesn't require any installation process or additional dll files. In social club to start using it, simply run the executable file - WifiInfoView.exe

Later you run WifiInfoView, the list of detected wireless networks in your area is displayed on the upper pane and it'south updated at very high rate. You lot can modify update rate from Options->Update Charge per unit card.
When you select one or more than wireless networks in the upper pane, the lower pane displays the Wi-Fi information elements of the selected items, in hexadecimal format.

Columns In the Upper Pane

  • SSID: The name of the network.
  • MAC Address: MAC address of the router.
  • PHY Blazon: The PHY type for this network - 802.11a, 802.11g, 802.11n, or High-Rate DSSS
  • RSSI: The received bespeak strength indicator value, in units of decibels referenced to 1.0 milliwatts (dBm), as detected by the wireless LAN interface driver for the AP or peer station.
  • Signal Quality: A number between 0 and 100 that represents the quality of the point.
  • Frequency: The channel center frequency of the band on which the 802.xi Buoy or Probe Response frame was received. The value of this column is in units of Gigahertz (GHz).
  • Channel: Aqueduct number used by this wireless network.
  • Information Size:The total size (in bytes) of all Wi-Fi information elements received from this wireless network.
  • Elements Count: The total number of Wi-Fi information elements received from this wireless network.
  • Company: The company that manufactured the router, co-ordinate to the 3 first bytes of the MAC address.
  • Router Model: The model of the router. This value is displayed but for routers that provide this information within the Wi-Fi information elements.
  • Router Proper name: The name of the router. This value is displayed simply for routers that provide this information inside the Wi-Fi information elements.
  • Security: Specifies whether the network is secured (Yeah/No).
  • Maximum Speed: The maximum speed (in Mbps) that you can get when connecting to this wireless network.
  • First Detection: The get-go appointment/fourth dimension that this network was detected.
  • Last Detection: The last date/time that this network was detected.
  • Detection Count: The number of times that this network was detected.

Summary Modes

When you lot switch to one of the summary modes, instead of showing the listing of all networks, WifiInfoView but shows the number of networks and the average/minimum/maximum of the signal quality for every grouping.

Wifi Channels Report

For case, in the to a higher place screenshot, you tin meet that there are 25 wireless networks that utilise channel half dozen, 10 wireless networks that employ channel xi, and and then on....

In the case below, you can see the in that location are nine wireless routers of NETGEAR, eight wireless routers of Sagemcom, and so on... (Be aware that some companies may appear more than one time, with a fiddling different name)

Wifi Companies Report

The following summary modes are available nether the Options carte du jour: Channels Summary Style, Companies Summary Manner, PHY Types Summary Manner, and Max Speed Summary Way

The 'Visitor' Column

WifiInfoView allows you to view the company proper name of each wireless device. The company name is adamant according to the MAC accost.

By default, WifiInfoView uses an internal database of MAC addresses/companies which is updated from fourth dimension to time. If you lot want to use the most updated database, you can download information technology from the post-obit link, and put in the same folder of WifiInfoView.exe:
Exist aware that you must salve it as 'oui.txt'

Connect Selected Access Betoken

The 'Connect Selected Access Betoken' choice (F2) allows you lot to connect to the desired admission betoken from the principal window of WifiInfoView. This feature is especially useful if you take multiple access points with the same name, because WifiInfoView allows you choose the access point to connect. , equally opposed to the default wifi manager of Windows, which makes the connection according to the network proper noun.

Using WifiInfoView With GetNir Tool

Yous can utilize WifiInfoView together with GetNir tool to extract specific value from WifiInfoView.
Hither's some case:
  • Get the RSSI of 'MyNet' access point and send it to stdout:
    WifiInfoView.exe /stab "" | GetNir "RSSI" "SSID=MyNet"
  • Get the RSSI of access point that its BSSID is 01-02-03-04-05-06 and store it in rssi.txt :
    WifiInfoView.exe /stab "" | GetNir "RSSI" "MACAddress=01-02-03-04-05-06" > rssi.txt
  • Become the list of access points on aqueduct 48, and send the result to stdout:
    WifiInfoView.exe /stab "" | GetNir "SSID" "Channel=48"
  • Get the name, BSSID, and RSSI of the access bespeak you are continued to, and send the upshot to stdout:
    WifiInfoView.exe /stab "" | GetNir "SSID,MACAddress,RSSI" "Connected=Yep"

Control-Line Options

/ConnectAP <SSID> {BSSID} {Profile Name} {Network Adapter} Connect to the specified access indicate.
<SSID> is the name of the network to connect.
{BSSID} is the MAC address of the access point to connect. You tin use the post-obit formats: XX-XX-Twenty-XX-Twenty-20 , XX:20:XX:Xx:XX:XX, XXXXXXXXXXXX . If yous don't specify the MAC accost, but the network name will be used.
{Contour Proper noun} - The name of the profile that comprise the network key to connect the network. If the contour is not specified, WifiInfoView will effort to find the correct contour automatically.
{Network Adapter} - This parameter is needed only if you accept multiple wireless network adapters. Yous tin can specify the GUID of the network adapter or part of the network adapter name. For example, if the network adapter name is 'Edimax AC600 Wireless LAN USB Adapter', you can specify the proper name as "Edimax AC600".

Here's some examples:
WifiInfoView.exe /ConnectAP "MyNet" "00-25-9C-14-2C-39"
WifiInfoView.exe /ConnectAP "MyNet"
WifiInfoView.exe /ConnectAP "MyNet" "00259C142C39" MyNetProfile
WifiInfoView.exe /ConnectAP "MyNet" "00-25-9C-14-2C-39" "" "Edimax AC600"
WifiInfoView.exe /ConnectAP "MyNet" "00-25-9C-14-2C-39" MyNetProfile "{F340052F-E512-38C0-B9A9-A21D723BD7CE}"

/cfg <Filename> Start WifiInfoView with the specified configuration file. For example:
WifiInfoView.exe /cfg "c:\config\csv.cfg"
WifiInfoView.exe /cfg "%AppData%\WifiInfoView.cfg"
/NumberOfScans <Number> Specifies the number of scans to perform when using the salve command-line options (/scomma, /shtml, and so on...)
/stext <Filename> Relieve the list of wireless networks into a regular text file.
/stab <Filename> Save the list of wireless networks into a tab-delimited text file.
/scomma <Filename> Save the list of wireless networks into a comma-delimited text file (csv).
/stabular <Filename> Save the list of wireless networks into a tabular text file.
/shtml <Filename> Salve the list of wireless networks into HTML file (Horizontal).
/sverhtml <Filename> Save the list of wireless networks into HTML file (Vertical).
/sxml <Filename> Save the list of wireless networks into XML file.
/sjson <Filename> Salvage the listing of wireless networks into JSON file.
/sort <column> This control-line option tin be used with other save options for sorting by the desired cavalcade. If y'all don't specify this selection, the list is sorted according to the final sort that you fabricated from the user interface. The <column> parameter can specify the column alphabetize (0 for the starting time column, one for the second column, then on) or the proper noun of the column, like "SSID" and "RSSI". You tin specify the '~' prefix character (e.g: "~SSID") if yous want to sort in descending club. You lot can put multiple /sort in the command-line if yous want to sort by multiple columns.

WifiInfoView.exe /shtml "d:\temp\wifi.html" /sort 2 /sort ~1
WifiInfoView.exe /scomma "d:\temp\wifi.html" /sort "~Security" /sort "SSID"

/nosort When you specify this control-line option, the list will be saved without any sorting.
/UseOnlyAdapter <0 | i> Specifies whether to employ only the desired network adapter. 0 = No, 1 = Yes.
/NetworkAdapter <Adapter Guid> Specifies the guid of the network adapter to use, for example:
WifiInfoView.exe /UseOnlyAdapter one /NetworkAdapter "{F261051F-D217-12D0-B9A9-F61D323AD21E}"
/SortOnEveryUpdate <0 | 1> Specifies whether to sort on every update. 0 = No, one = Yeah.
/MacAddressFormat <i - 3> Specifies the MAC accost format. 1 = Twenty-XX-XX-Twenty-XX-XX, 2 = 20:XX:Twenty:Xx:Xx:XX, 3 = XXXXXXXXXXXX.
/DisplayMode <1 - 11> Specifies the display mode:
ane - Full Details Fashion
two - Channels Summary Mode
3 - Companies Summary Mode
4 - PHY Types Summary Mode
five - Max Speed Summary Mode
half dozen - Router Model Summary Mode
7 - Router Name Summary Way
eight - Signal Quality Summary Mode
9 - BSS Type Summary Mode
x - Security Summary Fashion
11 - WPS Summary Mode
/UpdateRate <1 - 4> Specifies the update rate: 1- Low, two - Medium, 3 - Loftier, 4 - Very High.

For all save command-line options, y'all can specify empty filename in gild to send the information to stdout, for case:
WifiInfoView.exe /scomma "" | more

Translating WifiInfoView to other languages

In social club to translate WifiInfoView to other language, follow the instructions below:
  1. Run WifiInfoView with /savelangfile parameter:
    WifiInfoView.exe /savelangfile
    A file named WifiInfoView_lng.ini will be created in the binder of WifiInfoView utility.
  2. Open up the created language file in Notepad or in whatsoever other text editor.
  3. Translate all string entries to the desired language. Optionally, yous can also add your name and/or a link to your Web site. (TranslatorName and TranslatorURL values) If yous add this data, it'll be used in the 'About' window.
  4. After you finish the translation, Run WifiInfoView, and all translated strings will be loaded from the language file.
    If you lot want to run WifiInfoView without the translation, but rename the linguistic communication file, or move it to another folder.


This utility is released as freeware. You are allowed to freely distribute this utility via floppy disk, CD-ROM, Internet, or in any other manner, as long as you don't charge anything for this and you don't sell it or distribute information technology as a part of commercial product. If y'all distribute this utility, you must include all files in the distribution package, without whatever modification !


The software is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, either expressed or unsaid, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The author will non be liable for any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or whatsoever other reason.


If you have whatever trouble, proposition, comment, or you lot found a bug in my utility, you lot can send a message to

WifiInfoView is also available in other languages. In gild to alter the language of WifiInfoView, download the appropriate linguistic communication zip file, extract the 'wifiinfoview_lng.ini', and put it in the aforementioned folder that y'all Installed WifiInfoView utility.

Language Translated By Date Version
Arabic Mohamed.Bajdouai 20/05/2015 WifiInfoView v1.80
Czech January Sinko thirty/11/2018 ii.41
Danish Dennis Kamp 31/07/2014 1.65
Dutch Jan Verheijen 06/04/2022 ii.76
French Gilles PEDROLI/Largo 04/09/2018 2.40
French freMea 09/08/2015 1.85
French Skorpix38 xiv/07/2021 two.70 (07-2021 partiel)
High german «Latino» auf 14/02/2022 ii.75
Greek Θανάσης Κατσαγεώργης xi/09/2012 1.00
Hungarian Gasparics Sándor xiv/11/2012 1.10
Italian Andrea Carli 16/02/2022 ii.75
Italian Andrea Carli e bovirus 01/03/2022 2.75
Japanese youzeeen 03/04/2021 2.68
Farsi DinoTechno 09/04/2022 2.76
Polish Hightower 16/02/2022 2.75
Portuguese Brazil DiaGeek 10/04/2022 ii.76
Romanian Jaff (Oprea Nicolae) 06/02/2016 1.96
Russian Dmitry Yerokhin 17/02/2022 2.75
Simplified Chinese Asx、locationiskey 06/03/2017 2.twenty
Simplified Chinese Kirk fifteen/02/2022 2.75
Simplified Chinese DickMoore thirty/03/2022 two.75
Slovak František Fico 08/03/2022 2.75
Slovenian Jadran Rudec 25/03/2021 2.68
Spanish Lechuza (Uruguay) 27/01/2021 ii.67
Spanish Kiketrucker 25/04/2019 2.45
Swedish I.Yard.l 14/x/2017 two.30
Traditional Chinese Danfong Hsieh 15/02/2022 2.75
Thai HS3PLN และ WiFi.ในฝัน.com 29/01/2013 1.ten
Turkish Yücel Temel 14/02/2020 2.sixty
Vietnamese Hai Hoang 29/07/2017 2.26


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